July 8, 2024

Neither Alan Myers or The Esk believe the “rumour” that 777 Partners’ takeover of Everton has broken down is true.

The Sky Sports journalist and the Toffees blogger were separately asked via Twitter on 19 March whether the American company’s bid to become the new club owners had fallen through and while the latter admitted he had also heard of such claims neither had heard they were accurate.

The Miami-based firm agreed a deal to buy Farhad Moshiri’s majority shareholding back in mid-September and the delay in the Premier League making a decision has stretched to more than double the usual length, but Myers predicts a verdict imminently.

In response to the collapse claims The Esk wrote: “I have heard the rumour but there’s no substance to it at this time as far as I know.”

For his part Myers responded: “Not heard that at all”.

To when an announcement would come he said: “Any time now I’d guess”.

It appears the situation remains in line with the most recent indications from the club that the takeover bid is still on course, but if a league decision is now imminent it may not be for much longer.

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