July 8, 2024

An imaginary stadium's modelled and rendered.

Kelvin Beattie says…

I sway between mild amusement and irritation at the mention of “the model”. Apart from Speakman using this label briefly a couple of years ago, I am not aware of KLD or our Director of Football using the term. When I see it being used now, I prepare myself for negativity from the press, ex-players, or that vocal minority of great coaches/managers/owners who hide out on our social boards.

For me, the five-year plan has always had flexibility and balance built into it in terms of recruitment policy; it’s been the actioning of this that has been problematic.

Key to recruitment and retention will be salaries. I would expect to see a bit of an uplift there as we move into a new cycle of FFP and maybe create some additional funds through sales.

I hope some thought is being given to some of the potentially outstanding young players we have in our academy (Rigg, Watson, Young for example), and healthy offers being prepared for these lads, the future of our club.

We will need to attract an experienced forward or two to augment the youngsters already here.

I really enjoyed the majority of our free-flowing attacking football last season and at times earlier in this season.

Our performance and results against Leeds at home and away this season are good examples of that harder, less attractive edge that most teams who get promoted to the Premiership possess. I like that we have this capacity to call upon when required.

I would hope we continue to invest and plan around youth and younger players and action more effectively the balance of experience.

I would hope we can get a decent season out of Corry Evans and Bradley Dack, and our new head coach settles quickly with our support.

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