July 5, 2024

Open Thread: Who is your favorite current Raven? - Baltimore BeatdownSafety remains a position of strength for the Baltimore Ravens, thanks to Kyle Hamilton and Marcus Williams, but the depth chart could use the luxury of signing Pro Bowler Micah Hyde late in 2024 NFL free agency.

Hyde fits the Ravens, according to Jeff Kerr of CBS Sports, because the ex-Buffalo Bills stalwart “is a natural leader and hard hitter on defense, even with his declining coverage skills. He would be a welcome piece.”

Kerr acknowledged adding a veteran safety “isn’t a need for Baltimore, but more of a luxury if Williams or Hamilton goes down.” The luxury element is increased because “Baltimore has ran three-safety sets in the past.”Open Thread: Who is your favorite current Raven? - Baltimore Beatdown

Those multiple-safeties packages took a hit when Geno Stone jumped ship to AFC North rivals the Cincinnati Bengals in free agency. It means there’s room for a proven commodity like Hyde, who would be an asset in situational schemes for new defensive coordinator Zach Orr.

Bills’ general manager Brandon Beane confirmed to Joe Buscaglia of The Athletic on Tuesday, April 18 how Hyde hasn’t “totally made a 100% decision either way” about retirement. Open Thread: Who is your favorite current Raven? - Baltimore BeatdownThe chance to join the Ravens and likely return to the postseason may be enough to tempt the 11-year pro to suit up for one more season.

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