July 5, 2024

Photo: Mason Miller, Alex Cobb both in Orioles jerseysIt’s still a bit hard to get used to the Baltimore Orioles in their current state. For nearly a decade, the O’s were the doormat of the American League and could not be trusted to spend a dime to keep their team intact. But in 2024, they’re one of the premier World Series contenders out of the gates and have brand-new ownership that appears ready to do some big spending. That is, when David Rubenstein isn’t busy dousing his own fans with a garden hose.

This reversal of fortunes is a welcome sight in Baltimore, but this Orioles team is not without its flaws. The bullpen lacks stability, no one really knows who the second baseman will be in a few months and the team could probably still use another veteran bat. Perhaps it isn’t necessary to upgrade at all of those spots, but it certainly makes for a fun exercise.

That’s why today, we’re going to hypothesize about what an all-out, no-holds-barred trade season would look like for these Orioles. If general managaer Mike Elias wants to come out guns blazing, we’ve got just the moves he needs to make. Starting with…

Acquire Athletics closer Mason MillerPhoto: Mason Miller, Alex Cobb both in Orioles jerseys

The baseball universe might actually burn to the ground if the Oakland Athletics trade Mason Miller. The 25-year-old has been the most dominant reliever in the sport this season, throws harder than anyone in the game, strikes out over two batters an inning and has completely broken the field of statistics, posting a FIP of -0.16.

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