September 20, 2024

An imaginary stadium's modelled and rendered.

Real Madrid icon Jude Bellingham has claimed that he is worried by the prospect of people using his achievements as a means of assessing the career of his brother, Sunderland midfielder Jobe.

The Black Cats teenager has made quite the impression since signing from boyhood club Birmingham City last year, but is frequently compared to his elder sibling by some onlookers – a discourse that Jude is eager to curtail.

Speaking during episode two of his self-titled YouTube documentary series, he said: “The worry is that people judge him based on my achievements. But I’m really conscious of that because I know it’s something that people will always throw in his face, and it’s not fair because he’s an amazing talent, amazing player in his own right. People will use him as a way to have a dig at me and vice versa, so we’re almost like each other’s biggest fans but also the biggest target for each other because we care about each other so much.”

“He has to deal with more than what I would have had to at his age, and he deals with it with so much class. He wants to try and create his own legacy and his own path. At the end of the day as long as he’s happy that’s all I really care about to be honest. His happiness means more to me than my own.”

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