September 30, 2024

You have to hand it to Richard Keys.

You can be absolutely sure of one thing.

He will say absolutely anything to wind people up and get attention.

This is especially so with Richard Keys and Newcastle United fans, he absolutely loves it.

His mission in life is to irritate as many people as he can.

Which to be fair he is pretty good at!

This time it is how to find a way to give Newcastle United no credit whatsoever for their performance and result against reigning champions Manchester City. The visitors who had in their last 14 Premier League matches, won 13 and drawn the other against title challengers Arsenal.

Richard Keys via his personal blog – 30 September 2024:

“I’d love to be able to talk about the first-half at Newcastle – but I fell asleep. What a bore-fest again City. They really can be a hard watch. I read they completed 249 passes before getting three shots on target. Wow. Newcastle hit the target twice from 168 passes.

“What would Kevin Keegan – the King of the entertainers – make of it all? Knowing him as I do I’m pretty sure he’d hate it.

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