July 5, 2024

Barry Landy“He definitely fits the profile of what we require.

clanfordimp isn’t usually one to speculate on a new manager/head coach, but after it was posted by Barry Landy (Football Reporter – LOI, FAI) that City’s Director of Football Jez George and CEO Liam Scully were at Jack Moylan’s final league match for Shelbourne last night (he scored twice), he’s shared his thoughts on Duff’s style of play, etc.


“I don’t usually speculate on the manager’s position but with Liam Scully and Jez George being over at the game tonight it could be for a number of reasons but I’ll tell you this.

Shelbourne manager, Damien Duff is definitely one of the up-and-coming managers. Shelbourne have really improved as the season has gone on and they are arguably the best footballing team in the league.

They play the right way, the exact way in which we are led to believe how our board want us to play. They get the ball down and play crisp incisive football and have lots of possession in games.Barry Landy

He plays his football as it should be played but it has a purpose and they pass forward, not just sideways and backwards.

Never heard Duff in an interview but he has a very good demeanour on the sidelines. You can tell he takes the job very seriously and he conducts himself well.”Barry Landy

He definitely fits the profile of what we require but again it’s just my opinion of what I have seen of him amongst lots of speculation on who will be eventually appointed as our new manager.”

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