Former Premier League referee Mike Dean has ruled on the penalty row that saw Wolves lose 2-1 at Sheffield United this afternoon.

Gary O’Neil’s side had hit back to equalise at Bramall Lane and looked to be heading for a draw when an injury-time penalty call went against Fabio Silva and the Blades converted the spot kick to claim their first victory of the season.

Pundits for Sky Sports were amongst the first to claim referee Rob Jones had got it wrong, and Gary Lineker doubled down on their verdict when he claimed it was a “stinking decision” by VAR.

It echoed a similar call at Molineux last week when a penalty call went against the hosts in a 2-2 draw with Newcastle United, a decision that ultimately saw match referee Anthony Taylor

Today’s decision left Silva in tears, but Dean told Sky viewers it was a far less clear cut call than last week’s controversy, which saw Taylor handed a Championship game yesterday for the first time since 2019.

In that game, Hwang-hee Chan was adjudged to have fouled Fabian Schar in the box, despite replays showing no contact between the pair

Fabio Silva can't look as Wolves lose at Sheffield United to a controversial penalty awarded against him in injury time.

“The referee has given the penalty so it’s not a wrong decision and VAR would not have overturned it.

“The more time I’ve had to look at it properly, his foot has landed on Baldock’s foot. Last week [when a penalty was given against Hwang], there was no contact. That’s more of a penalty than last week in my opinion.”Fabio Silva can't look as Wolves lose at Sheffield United to a controversial penalty awarded against him in injury time.

Jones later watched the incident back with Wolves boss Gary O’Neil but remained insistent that he – and VAR – had got the decision right. Speaking after the match, O’Neil labelled the stance “absolutely crazy”.