July 5, 2024

Jamie Vardy's Golden Boot: Every Single Goal“Ten more years, ten more years” was the cry from the away end last Saturday as Jamie Vardy’s late double helped Leicester to a 5-0 win on a rainy afternoon in Stoke. But should we be giving the GOAT even twelve more months? We found three people who said… yes.

He leaves when he wants

Jamie Barnard

Fast forward 20 years. Your kids, grandkids, nephews and nieces are intrigued: “Why did Jamie Vardy leave Leicester?” You have two choices: one is that he was simply ready to walk away having done everything he possibly could for the club, the other is some waffle about ‘FFP’ or ‘Profit and Sustainability Rules’. We all know which one we’d rather it be.

Jamie Vardy leaves when Jamie Vardy decides he wants to leave. I’m not here for any of your pragmatism or your rationale. I’m here for those glimpses we still get of vintage Vardy. The one-on-one he slides past a forlorn keeper. The arrival at the back post to divert one home. The glancing header that finds its way.Jamie Vardy's Golden Boot: Every Single Goal

Yes, he’s slowed. Yes, he might not be our first choice anymore. Yes, he might have a mammoth legal bill to settle. But he’s Vardy. He’s the GOAT.

A handful of players hit a height where, as their body wanes, they can trade off ‘aura’. Defenders still take note when that number 9 flashes up on the substitution board. They still make decisions on what Vardy was before rather than what he is now. Vardy has aura. And that means he still has something to offer.

You’re not human if a Jamie Vardy Leicester goal doesn’t do something different to you. I’m not ready to let that go yet. Give us one last Premier League dance, Vardy.

Long live the GOAT.

A new role…

Becky Taylor

I’ve got nostalgia and realism sat on either shoulder pulling me side to side with very strong arguments regarding Vards.

Every time people have written Jamie Vardy off, he pops up with a few more goals to suggest there’s one more chapter in his story. The dreamer in me wants to say give him whatever contract he wants, mainly because I’m not sure I’m ready to see him leave or retire, but I think it is time.

The truth is, this just feels the right way to bow out of his unrivalled career. He’s really enjoying himself this season and that’s how I want him to finish with us; scoring goals, having fun, and lifting another trophy (hopefully). Jamie Vardy's Golden Boot: Every Single Goal

I’m ready to sit and watch ‘Jamie Vardy – every Leicester City goal’ on repeat knowing he’s gone full circle with us, closing out on a high. The changing of the guard for our next Premier League stint is nigh.

‘Getting his wages off the bill’ can be an additional point but realistically I’m not bothered about that, he’s earned his place and right to do what he wants. I don’t begrudge him any wage he receives from us I just want the ending to be ‘right’.

My proposal to keep both sides happy? A new contract but not playing, instead taking over from the Birch – have him placed near the away fans for maximum impact.

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