July 4, 2024

Posh boss Darren Ferguson used his post-match press conference to criticise the decision to give visiting supporters just over 4,000 tickets for the game. Pompey celebrates three points after 1-10 win played out in a vibrant atmosphere.

Fergie comments

But the Head of Ticketing and Systems at Posh, Chris Brewer, defended the club’s decision on social media on Sunday.

He tweeted: “We didn’t even sell our home end out, the alternative was to turn down £40k in revenue and leave an area empty? That would have been a crazy decision. If we had won it wouldn’t have been mentioned. We also have won games before when we’ve given the away club a 4,000 allocation.

“We would have loved to give the GH Display Stand to home fans instead and we held off giving Portsmouth tickets for weeks for that reason, but unfortunately the demand wasn’t there.”

A large number of Posh fans also weighed into the issue, with many arguing in support of the club decisio

Spot on from Fergie. Could understand if we were mid table but this was a top of the table clash @DazMoody

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