July 8, 2024

COLUMBUS, Ohio –Ryan Day’s introduction to the Ohio State-Michigan rivalry as a head coach resulted in success in such a way that he even publicly admitted gave him a feeling of relief.

Back in 2019, OSU got a 56-27 win in Ann Arbor that suggested its dominance in the rivalry would continue into the Day era while Jim Harbaugh was the coach who couldn’t get over the hump. Now here we are five years later and oh, how things have changed.

On this episode of Buckeye Talks Stephen Means and Nathan Baird look back at the game discussing a different time in the OSU-Michigan dynamic. As they run through their typical ReTalkable category, they also take a chance to use this game as a potential guideline for how the 2024 game could potentially play out as Day looks to get back in the win column.

Plus, Nathan has an announcement about his future.

Thanks for listening to Buckeye Talk.

Welcome back to Buckeye Talk. I’m Stephen Means, that’s Nathan Baird. And it’s the retalkables. We haven’t done one of these in a while. Actually, we haven’t done one since Doug left. So we were probably due for one of these anyways. Nathan knows the deal. Andrew’s not with us. This would have been his debut on a retalkable, but he’s off on a vacation or a wedding or something this week. I don’t know. He’s living his life. But we…

are going to watch Nathan, the only Ohio State, Michigan game that you have experienced where the team you cover won the football game. We’re watching the Ohio State, Michigan 2019 game. Ohio State did win that game 56 to 27. It was a part of a back to back years where they put 62 in their head one year and then they put 56 the next year. This was your first year on the beat as well. First year, my first full season on the beat. This is your first year on the beat.

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