She said: “On the most part, they were all really happy – there were definitely some questions about how things would work.

“There was some scepticism, but overall, they were really excited and supportive.

“We are moving about all the time – we’re unable to see our family.”

Wes and Amy by their boat. Image: SWNS


Amy and Wes move the boat once a week, and their adventures have taken them through Wales, the Midlands, and down the entire length of the River Thames.

Wes said: “We bought the boat near Chester.

“We have done the whole of north Wales, headed east and went near Nottingham, and then since we have come south through Leicester.

“We have done the whole Thames – going under Tower Bridge was a special moment.”

Wes said going off-grid has made the couple resilient in a way that they wouldn’t be if they stayed in the “rat race”.

Wes said: “I am surprised with how much it has built out characters.

“It has made us very resilient, being forced to tackle random problems head-on and being forced to improvise.

“It really does prove to yourself that you can handle more than you think.Wes and Amy by their boat. Image: SWNS


“It is a massive confidence booster too – we have figured out how to make it work, and that is very rewarding.

“It is validating that we have broken away from the rat race, we are doing our own thing and what we like.”