July 8, 2024

Darren Beveridge recently captured a PDC Tour Card for the first time in his career. The 31-year-old Englishman is happy to have finally succeeded.

Beveridge eventually finished ninth in the UK Q-School Order of Merit, doing enough to gain a Tour Card. “It’s tough. It’s like seven days of constant pressure,” Beveridge said of his Q-School in conversation with Tungsten Tales. “You’ve got to try and stay focused and stay hydrated. That’s just so much pressure but I’m glad to finally get through it.”

‘Ice Cold Beveridge’ also has a remarkable story. “A while back, I stopped playing darts. I wasn’t enjoying it anymore and just didn’t want to play. I told myself then that I would only start again when the hunger was back. When I finally started back it went well right away and I also enjoyed it again. It’s surreal that soon, I get to compete against the best players in the world.”

Also read

Paul Nicholson selects his five Tour Card winners to watchout for from UK Q-School

Beveridge does set himself some goals for that first year on the Pro Tour. “I want to try to climb up the world rankings. But apart from that, I think it’s important to get used to the Pro Tour and the level there.”

In addition to his darts career, Beveridge still works full time. “I have already spoken to my boss and he wants to give me extra holidays for the midweek Pro Tours. Also, if I were to qualify for Euro Tours he won’t give me any trouble.”

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