September 21, 2024

Damon Heta is through to a second successive major TV quarter-final after a 10-8 win over Brendan Dolan in the last 16 of the Players Championship Finals in Minehead.

“Very happy to turn up tonight and play some good stuff when I needed to,” Heta said post-match in conversation with Online Darts. “I felt I was never under pressure, even though it was a pressure game. It was a confident game and I just did the right things at the right time.”

Into the fifth major quarter-final of his career, the Australian number one is yet to make it through to a semi-final. Playing Ryan Joyce in the last 8, could this weekend finally be breakthrough for Heta?

“I’m absolutely stoked to get the win. I get to push on to a Sunday which only eight people get there and I’m one of them,” he analyses. “I’ve been in these situations plenty of times. This time around, I’ve really got a different outlook and things are going to happen. I know that.”

“There’s only eight of us left, that’s it. So that’s a fair achievement and you got to have a bit of gratitude for for stuff like that. Not everyone does get there, look at Michael Smith, he’s out, you know what I mean. Got to ride the wave that you’re on and take all your chances and be happy. I think a lot of players fob off a lot of tournaments and not really respect why they’re there. There’d be alot of players or a lot of people that aren’t PDC tour card holders and they would bite your hand off to be where you are. I think it’s just about about appreciating where you’re at.”

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